Kudos Dr. J. Poirier and some of the major accomplishments of his team.
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© J. Poirier 2025-2026
Wall Street Journal (1995) News article describing a breakthrough discovery leading the a better understanding of the contribution of specific gene on drug response and efficacy in humans. Genesis award (2010) Organized by BIOQuébec, the GENESIS Awards honour leading figures and companies who have played a key role in the growth of Québec’s biotechnology and life sciences industries. They seek to recognize the entrepreneurship of our leaders and innovating companies in Québec, as well as honour individual excellence. Milestone in Canadian Research (2011) Organized by the Canadina Institute of Health Research, the Milestone discoveries recognition program identifies canadian scientists who made breakthrough discoveries in the field of medicine and who are perceived as world leaders in their respective field of research.
Walking the Pharmacogenomic Tightrope (2006) Carreer profile and interview of Dr Judes Poirier, C.Q. by the International Magazine Science regarding his role as a mentor and as an entrepreneur in the world of academia. This article describes the different phases of his career, his major discoveries and the role of the different spin-off corporations he founded of the course of nearl 2 decades.  
Honoris Causa Doctorate in Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Montpellier, France (2009)  He received in the fall of 2009 a prestigious Doctorate Honoris Causa in Medicine for his pioneering work in the field of Alzheimer's research from this oldest School of Medicine in the world, the University of Montpellier in France. He was only the third canadian to received this honor in more than a 1000 years.
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